1. The administrator of the personal data is Protektel Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000670659, NIP: 7611539128, REGON: 142212143, address of the place of business and address for delivery: ul. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 92, 06-300 Przasnysz, electronic mail address (e-mail): protektel@protektel.pl, tel. 29 752 57 84.
  2. This privacy policy applies to all cases in which Protektel Sp. z o.o. is the controller of personal data and processes personal data. Collected data is processed in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as RODO, the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data and other data protection regulations.
  3. The controller shall take special care to protect the interests of data subjects, and in particular shall ensure that the data it collects are:
    • lawfully processed
    • collected for designated legitimate purposes and not subjected to further processing incompatible with those purposes
    • Substantially correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed, and stored in a form that allows identification of the persons to whom they relate for no longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.


  1. Protektel Sp. z o.o. processes the personal data of its customers and potential customers. Such personal data is processed in the information systems used by Protektel Sp. z o.o. as well as in paper form.
  2. The Administrator processes personal data for the purpose of, and in accordance with, the legal provisions set forth below:
    • in order to conclude and perform a contract for the execution of an order or provision of services – on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • name/company
      • residence/site address
      • KRS number
      • tax ID number
      • email address
      • phone number
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is a condition for the conclusion and performance of a contract for the provision of services (their provision is voluntary, but the consequence of their failure will be the inability to conclude and perform the aforementioned contract).
    • for the purpose of recruiting employees – on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) and (c) of the RODO and Article 22 (1) § 1 of the Labor Code – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • first and last name
      • birthdate
      • contact information provided before the candidate (e.g., home address, e-mail address, telephone number)
      • education
      • professional qualifications
      • history of previous employment
    • Provision of the above personal data is mandatory and necessary for the recruitment process.
    • in order to recruit co-workers – on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • first and last name
      • birthdate
      • contact information provided before the candidate (e.g., home address, e-mail address, telephone number)
      • education
      • professional qualifications
      • history of previous employment
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary to carry out the recruitment procedure (the consequence of their failure will be the inability to participate in the recruitment procedure).
    • in order to operate the contact form – on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • first and last name
      • phone number
      • email address
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order to receive a response to the message sent (the consequence of failure to do so will be the inability to receive a response).
    • in order to maintain the Administrator’s profiles on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube – on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • user profile name
      • data that the user has placed on his profile as “public”
      • personal data posted by the user in comments under the content published on the Administrator’s profile or sent in a private message to the Administrator’s profile
      • statistical and advertising data collected by the social network;
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order for you to use the Administrator’s profile on a given Service (the consequence of failure to do so will be the inability to use the Administrator’s profile).
    • sending commercial information by electronic means ( Newsletter) to inform the interested person about promotional offers and news in the commercial offer – on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) of RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • email address
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order to receive the Newsletter (the consequence of failure to do so will be the inability to receive the Newsletter).
    • establish, assert or defend against claims – on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • name/company
      • email address
      • residence/site address
      • PESEL/KRS number
      • tax ID number
    • Provision of the above personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order to establish, assert or defend against claims that may arise in connection with the provision of services or use of the Website (the consequence of not providing the above data will be the Administrator’s inability to take the above actions)
    • Analysis of user activity on the website – based on Article 6(1)(f) RODO – for this purpose the Administrator will process the following personal data:
      • date and time of visit
      • IP number of the device
      • type of operating system of the device
      • approximate location
      • type of web browser
      • time spent on the website
      • subpages visited and other actions taken within the website
    • Provision of the aforementioned personal data is voluntary, but necessary in order for the Administrator to obtain information about your activity on the Website (the consequence of failure to do so will be the Administrator’s inability to obtain the aforementioned information).


  1. Where the basis of data processing is the performance of a contract, for as long as it is necessary for the performance of the contract, and thereafter for a period corresponding to the period of limitation of claims. Unless a special provision provides otherwise, the statute of limitations is six years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to the conduct of business – three years.
  2. Where the basis for data processing is consent, you have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, but withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing performed on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. In the case of personal data obtained in the recruitment process, the Administrator will process such data until the recruitment process is completed or the candidate resigns from applying for employment, unless the candidate consents to the processing of his/her personal data also for the purposes of possible future recruitment.
  3. Data processed in connection with the handling of the contact form will be processed by the Administrator until you object to its processing for this purpose or we determine that it has become obsolete. If you do not object, the aforementioned data will be deleted at the end of 10 years from the date of the last telephone/email contact.
  4. Personal data collected for the purpose of profiling will be processed by the Administrator until you successfully object or the purpose of the processing is achieved.
  5. If the basis for data processing is the settlement of a service rendered or the delivery of ordered products, unless a specific provision provides otherwise, the data are kept as long as required by the Accounting Act of September 29, 1994, i.e. 5 years from the end of the year in which the tax settlement took place.
  6. If the basis for data processing is the performance of a contract, concluded under the Act of January 29, 2004. – Public Procurement Law, unless a specific provision provides otherwise, the data are stored for 10 years.


  1. For marketing purposes and direct marketing to you tailored to your preferences, the Administrator will process your personal data by automated means, including profiling.
  2. Profiling will not result in any legal effects with respect to the user. In the event that profiling could result in decisions that produce legal effects against the user or affect the user in a similarly significant manner, the Administrator will do so with the user’s prior consent.


  1. Personal data processed by the Administrator may be entrusted to subcontractors of services used by the Administrator to carry out its tasks. Subcontractors to whom personal data is transferred are subject to the Administrator’s instructions as to the purposes and means of processing such data (processors) and are law firms and IT services, based on data processing entrustment agreements.
  2. Personal data may be disclosed to the Administrator’s partners, i.e. companies with which the Administrator cooperates by combining products or services, only for the purposes necessary for the execution of the order.
  3. Personal data obtained by the Administrator is stored exclusively in the European Economic Area (EEA).


  1. The data subject has, according to the RODO:
    • The right of access to data – that is, to obtain information on whether personal data is being processed, to what extent, and to obtain a copy of that data
    • The right to rectify data – that is, to correct personal data if it is incorrect or incomplete
    • The right to be forgotten – i.e. the deletion of personal data, provided that one of the conditions listed in Article 17 of the RODO is met
    • The right to restrict data processing – that is, the processing of personal data is limited to storage only
    • The right to object – that is, you can object to the processing of your personal data at any time
    • The right to withdraw consent – that is, at any time you can withdraw the consent on the basis of which the data is processed.
  2. In order to exercise the rights referred to in paragraph 1, you can send the relevant email to: protektel@protektel.pl
  3. If it is determined that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the RODO, the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


  1. The Administrator’s website i.e. www.protektel.pl uses “cookies”.
  2. Installation of “cookies” is necessary for the proper provision of services on the website. The “cookies” contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the website, and they also provide the opportunity to develop general statistics of website visits.
  3. The site uses two types of “cookies”: “session” and “permanent”
    • “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the user’s terminal device until the user logs out (leaves the site)
    • “Permanent” cookies are stored on the user’s terminal device for the time specified in the parameters of “cookies” or until they are deleted by the user.
  4. The administrator uses its own cookies to better understand how users interact with the site’s content. The files collect information about the user’s use of the website, the type of site from which the user was redirected, and the number of visits and the time of the user’s visit to the website. This information does not record specific personal information about the user, but is used to compile statistics on the use of the site.
  5. The administrator uses external cookies to collect general and anonymous statistical data via Google Analytics analytical tools. Please read the details of Google’s privacy policy
  6. The administrator uses external cookies to use Google Maps offerings to display interactive maps directly on the website, allowing users to conveniently use the map features.
    Please read the details of Google’s privacy policy
  7. The administrator uses marketing tools such as Meta Pixel or LinkedIn Insight Tag to target its audience with advertisements. This involves the use of cookies from Meta and/or LinkedIn.
    Please read the individual privacy policies:
    https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/ and https://pl.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy 
  8. The administrator uses Google AdWords (Google Ads) remarketing tools. This involves the use of Google’s cookies relating to the Google AdWords (Google Ads) service.Please read the details of Google’s privacy policy:
  9. The administrator uses HotJar tool to track user behavior on the site. HotJar’s cookies are used for this purpose.
    Please read the details of HotJar’s privacy policy:
  10. The administrator provides the ability to use social features, such as sharing content on social networks and subscribing to a social profile. The use of these functions involves the use of cookies of social network administrators such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn.
  11. You have the right to decide on the access of “cookies” to your computer by selecting them in advance in your browser window. Detailed information about the possibility and methods of handling “cookies” is available in the settings of your software (web browser).


  1. The Administrator shall apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the processed data, and in particular shall protect the data against unauthorized access, processing in violation of the law, and alteration, loss, damage or destruction.
  2. Only persons authorized by the Administrator and acting on his instructions are allowed to process data within the Administrator’s organization.
  3. The data may be made available to entities entitled to receive them under applicable laws, including relevant judicial authorities. The Administrator shall provide the collected personal data to government, law enforcement and judicial authorities upon their express request and only in the cases specified by law.
  4. In matters not regulated by this Privacy Policy, the provisions of RODO and other relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply accordingly.
  5. We undertake to review this Privacy Policy on a regular basis and amend it when it becomes necessary or desirable to do so due to, for example, new legislation. We also reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy in the event of changes in the technology by which we process personal data (insofar as the wording of this document is affected by such change), as well as in the event of a change in the means, purposes or legal basis for our processing of personal data.
  6. This document was last updated on 26.06.2023.